How to Reach More Developers

An overview of the podcast, the book, and how you can reach more developers with authentic technical content.
Adam DuVander:

Hey there. I'm Adam DuVander, and this is Developer Marketing Does Not Exist, the podcast for the people who inspire developers. Season 1 follows the book of the same name. It's the authentic guide to reach a technical audience. Developer marketing does not exist. You can find it at every and Amazon in print or Kindle. You're listening to episode 1, how to reach developers.

Adam DuVander:

If there's one thing where my family can count on me, it's this. I'll always have a pen. Hopefully, there's one more way they can count on me.

Adam DuVander:

But this pen, it's a Fisher Space Pen. You can write upside down, or in space, apparently. There's a story not totally true about how NASA paid for the pen to be developed. 1,000,000 of dollars to create an anti gravity pen, and the Russians just used a pencil. To reach developers, you might be tempted to over engineer the solution.

Adam DuVander:

Travel the world, buy the biggest booth in the expo hall, sponsor a huge community and reach the most developers possible. The typical marketing tactics like that will fall flat with the technical audience. You can't promote your way to developers. You need to educate and inspire them. And you can do most of this without getting on a plane or spending 100 of 1,000 of dollars.

Adam DuVander:

Developer marketing does not exist, shows you how to reach a technical audience with authentic content. And some of the stuff in the book includes developer experience, where you can prepare an environment where developers will thrive using the 13 elements of developer experience from every developer's work. Blog posts to help you reach more developers with frequent helpful articles. Tutorials where you teach developers exactly how to solve their problems. Guides, where you go even deeper and show that you understand what a developer needs.

Adam DuVander:

Events, where you meet developers where they are and you have authentic interactions. Open source and community, listen and contribute to a broader group of developers, how you could use tools as marketing and build something that the right developers will want to use. There is a place for advertising and sponsorships where you can enter into long term partnerships, not quick growth tactics. And then finally, your developer marketing organization. How can you hire the right people and set reasonable expectations that will allow you to reach more developers?

Adam DuVander:

We're gonna cover that in this season of developer marketing does not exist. You can subscribe in your favorite podcast player, and I'll be back with an episode for each one of those chapters as well as some special bonuses. Thanks for listening.